Monday, September 23, 2013

Feeling Comfortable in the Gym

As a female I know this topic well. This post is mostly geared toward woman feeling comfortable in the gym, and specifically in the weight room areas of the gym. I am going to start by telling a bit of my story then go into how to become more comfortable why it is so important to lift weights as a woman.

I was an athlete in high school, playing volleyball the only reason I went to school, but was never in great shape, then when I went to college I started hiking and biking everywhere, even got into a bit of rock climbing. When I moved home after college I was unmotivated and working in restaurants eating unhealthy food, and gained a bunch of weight, I was never much of a gym person, I was board on the cardio machines and board on the weight machines, it never really felt like I got anywhere. I know now that is mostly because I was inconsistent and not challenging myself. I was like most woman who think that running is the best way to lose weight; I mean look at all the long distance runners they are thin and stick like. I am not built that way, PLUS I always hated running anything more that the 200 meter dash. When I was about 23 I learned about a course in Personal Training called NPTI. I was living in Seattle at the time and they seemed to have a great reputation so I went for it. Not really knowing what I was getting myself into I signed up, when I got to class on my first day I was nervous and excited, I have always thought of myself as strong but didnt realize that in reality I just looked strong. I quickly made friends with a couple of people one of which was the good looking built guy who was the class clown (has always been my type) For 3 months we hung out in class and eat lunch together, he always invited me to come work out after class and lift with him but I was nervous he would realize I didnt know ANYTHING about lifting and think I was an impostor.  When we left for winter break I saw friends and family I hadnt seen in a while, they kept telling me how great I was looking, that always feels good. When I got back to class after the break I stopped seeing the results I wanted I had hit a plateau, I then started talking to my friend David about it and he asked me again if I would like to workout with him after class, this time I couldnt say no, I was still working out hard and not seeing the results lifting weights was the only thing left to try. His routine was a typical guy who wants to be a "bodybuilder type" routine, back and bi on monday, chest and tri, on tuesday, a little bit of legs and core on wednesday and rotate through those through the week taking one or two days off a week.

For me this was completely new. Having a guy who knew what he was doing helped enormously build my confidence when it came to even stepping foot in the weight room on my own. I always recommend working out with a buddy, it is safer, you have someone there holding you accountable for doing the workout, and its fun with a bit of a competitive nature along side it. Watch videos of people doing the lifts, if it is to hard or complicated then wait to try it, but at least you are starting the process of learning how to improve yourself. You will not look like you dont know what youre doing, I know that is a big concern for most women, they dont want to look like they dont know how to do it. Just GO FOR IT. Confidence is key and if it is to soon to start there then get into the group training studio, use the little "lady weights" start there. most guys have them in body pump classes, take one of those, then everyone looks like they dont know what they are doing. (hahah) Its time for women to take over the weight room. Lifting weights has completely changed the way I work out, the way I train my clients and they way I look at strength. STRONG IS THE NEW SEXY! RIGHT? so make it so, get your but in a squat rack and squat...deadlift! get your back strong do some rows on the cable machine, get underneath a barbell and do some inverted rows. DO PUSH UPS... not on your knees... elevate yourself on a bench or the wall if you have to.

I know this post seems like a rant and talking about myself quite a bit, but I am passionate about getting woman comfortable lifting weights. It is not only how you will get the results you want from your workout but it is how you prevent things like osteoporosis in older age, it is how you burn fat more efficiently, and affectively which in turn makes you crave better foods for you, which makes you a healthy person all around. You will feel better, look the way you want to look and feel more empowered.


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